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Terre di Azeban Gloomy Shine

Date of birth: 11/04/2021


Colour: black torbie blotched


Genotype: A-D-mcmcXOXo


Test HCM, SMA, PKdef: N/N


Bood group: AA


Ultrasound heart (15/05/2024): normal 


Ultrasound kidneys (25/05/2022): normal


The second kitten of Dubitino that stays with us, even if from the father's temperament she took very little... as calm and composed is him, as lively, funny and friendly is she. Mom Candid Camera's contribution is really evident! Gloominella is an adorable kitten, very naughty, but never excessive. She is as smart as her mother, bright and she learns everything very quickly: for example she knows how to open a faucet if noone helps her quickly enough.

dad and mom

Gloomy has a beautiful head, with a good profile, strong chin and full box, very expressive eyes with wild look, large and well-positioned ears. She inherited the long structure of the father's body and the powerfulness of the mother; she has also strong legs and long tail. Her coat is silky, of a warm tortie very similar to the one of her mother.


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